Day 35

Today is Day 35 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to track my efforts to experience more of what is uniquely my joy in my life.  I want to cultivate my joy, grow it and live it.  When I do that I thrive.  When I’m passive about my own…

Day 26

Sunday was Day 26 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to track my efforts to experience more joy this summer. I want to do what makes my heart sing more; I want to trail in the tailwind of others’ joy, less. Sunday and into the first part of the…

Day 25

Saturday was Day 25 of my 75 days of summer.  25 days ago I became more aware about how often I was suppressing and ignoring my heart’s desires.  The truth is, I grew up with an extremely controlling and abusive parent.  Many barriers were erected in the way of me pursuing or even thinking about…

Day 24

Friday was Day 24 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to track my efforts to experience more joy this summer.  I want to do what makes my heart sing more, and to tailgate off of others’ joy, less.  I want to live my joy. Friday was a day of…

Day 23

Thursday was Day 23 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to document my efforts to experience more joy this summer.  I want to notice what makes my own heart sing, not tailgate off of others’ joy.   And I want to claim my joy, live my joy. I’ve been thinking…

Day 22

Wednesday was Day 22 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to document my efforts to experience more joy in my life.  I want to experience my own joy more.  I don’t want to be a passive member of an audience watching the story of my life unfold. I want…

Day 21

Tuesday was Day 21 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to document my efforts to experience more joy this summer.  I want to claim what makes me happy. I’ve struggled in my life with workaholism.  This is a way to numb conflicting or unsettling emotions.  There are myriad other…

Day 20

Monday was the 20th day of my 75 days of summer project.  My purpose is to be mindful about my joy.  I want to pay attention to what brings me joy and what blocks my joy.  I want to claim my joy. I managed to recalibrate — pull myself together and reset my course! —…

Day 19

Sunday was Day 19 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to document my efforts to experience more joy this summer. To notice and to do what lights me up, rather than being passive about the role of joy in my life.  All on a budget of course. For most…

Day 18

Saturday was Day 18 of my 75 days of summer.  I’m writing this blog to document my efforts to follow my bliss this summer, to follow my joy. Following joy, I think, is a decision; it’s different from letting joy happen.   But, since beginning this blog, I’m starting to believe that when I’m active…

Day 17

Friday was Day 17 of my 75 days of summer.  The purpose of this blog is to document my efforts to experience more of my joy this summer.  I want to live my life more, and be less passive about it.  I want to be more active in noticing and then pursuing what lights me…

Day 16

Thursday was Day 16 of my 75 days of summer.  I’m focusing my efforts on experiencing more joy in my life.    I think this is the same as focusing on being more “me”.  And I’m noticing as I write this blog and becoming more mindful about experiencing joy, that I’m becoming…. happier.  A little…